Welcome to Answer India: Empowering Lives through Education and Health

न कांक्षे विजयं, न राज्यं, न च पुनर्भवम्।

कामये दुःख तप्तानां प्राणिनां अर्तिनाशनम्।।

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A passion for creating spaces

Answer India welcomes individuals, corporations, and organizations to join us in our mission. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.


Aditya Nirmal Society organizes meditation camp for all classes of people.


Professional Institute Of Technology & Management Run By- Aditya Nirmal Society

Relief of the Poor

At Answer India, we recognize the immediate needs of the underprivileged.

Health care & Medical Relief

Aditya Nirmal Society for Run by Deerghayu Charitable Hospital – Ward No. 6 Nahar Colony Bareli District Raisen – Madhya Pradesh

Preservation of Environment

We plant trees in Educational institutes, Hospitals, Centres of worship, Government Offices and cattle grazing land.


Employ-ability and skills, Rural development, Girl child & youth women empowerment, Agriculture.

Get Involved: Answer India

Answer India welcomes individuals, corporations, and organizations to join us in our mission. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Here’s how you can get involved

  1. Donate: Your financial contributions enable us to implement and expand our initiatives, reaching more people in need.
  2. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers and actively participate in our programs and events.
  3. Partnerships: Collaborate with Answer India to create lasting impact through strategic partnerships and sponsorships.
  4. Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about our initiatives by sharing our mission with your network and on social media platforms.
Tourist taking photo of a building

Welcome to Answer India, a dream that began with a vision of creating positive change and empowering lives. I am honored to extend my heartfelt gratitude for joining us on this incredible journey.

Mr. Om Prakash Dubey

Founder and Managing Director

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